Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Street Children pictures yet. But some great updates. First, we met up with a Catholic group who went out to give presents to street kids and then we talked to the families about Jesus. We had a great time working with them. And yesterday, after our time on the streets, the street kids followed us back to the church. The church was so happy, because now the kids are going to come back again today, and hopefully for a long time to come.


Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Hi guys!
I was just catching up on your blog here. God is really blessing your trip, it seems!

Please let Mark and I know if there is anything that you need and we will be happy to get it to you. I mean that...

Our email is

I love what your friend said to you a few posts down about if your heart really wants to reach people for our Savior, then He will move Heaven and Hell to get them to you.

Hang in there!

thisbrit said...

Wish you would name the towns in Peru, since we used to live there in Pucallpa (well Yarina) and know the whereabouts of the cities etc. No biggie!! Aureol